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Welcome to our NEW web site!

On this home page we'll introduce ourselves and highlight important areas on our site.
This is a new site for First Church. Please be patient while it's being built.

Easter Candy Sale
Booklets are in the back of the Sanctuary and/or Chapel.  Lets make this a great sale.


This site will be updated every sunday afternoon.  Check back weekly for new information.

We are honored that you are visiting our web site. Being a religious organization, we are always striving to find new ways to get our message out to current and prospective members. This web site allows us to reach people we may never have been able to contact before.

Please use this site to access the information you need about the church and as a resource for broadening your faith. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.

Worship Schedule

Early Service 8:15am
Sunday School  9:15am
Traditional Worship 10:30am
Fellowship time every first Sunday in Fellowship Hall  10:00 - 10:30am


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First United Methodist Church 236 S. Main St. Jersey Shore, Pa. 17740