Election Day Dinner & Bizaar
Election day in November
Adults- $6.00 Children under 12- $3.50 Children under 3 FREE Tickets on sale now- see Toner Hollick or Tickets will be available at the door. Take-outs also available.
Please push the button to the left if you need directions to the Church.
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Pies needed
Approximately 60 pies are needed for the Election Day Dinner so get thoes rolling pins warmed up and ready to roll. Pies should be delivered to the Church before 4:00pm the day of the election.
Bazaar Items
Baked goods, crafts and attic treasures are needed for Election Day Bazaar on in November. Please think what you would like to donate to the Bazaar. Treasures will accepted Sunday and Monday, before election day, at the church from 4:00-8:00pm.